Poke the Moon and Land Amongst the Clocks | Pod 61

If you made a video call to someone on the other end of a very, very, very long stick would it be possible to poke them with the stick before the video showed them that you’d moved? Would this impossible, absurd invention move faster than the speed of light?!? Julian pokes around to see. Then, after a Spongebob-style “Meanwhile” title card… Trace grabs a clock and huh’s about why the hands don’t go counter-clockwise. Do they just go with the flow? or is there something else afoot?? Er… a-hand?


Julian: "If you had a very long stick and used it to poke a person on, say, the moon, would they feel the poke before they saw you poking?" from Ida

Trace: "Why do clocks go clockwise?" from Eline


This episode of That's Absurd Please Elaborate was written by Trace Dominguez and Julian Huguet, edited by Kyle Sisk, and produced by all three of us. Special thanks to friends and family for listening to the edits and help us make this better.

Thanks for listening to That's Absurd Please Elaborate. We appreciate you!


Trace Dominguez

Science communicator, television presenter, video producer, and podcaster. I use digital media to teach viewers about science, engineering, history, technology, psychology, and our universe. 


High-Level Poop Talk and Deadly Temporal Fantasies | Pod 62


Frictionless Ultrasonic Banger | Pod 60