Radioactive Bunnies & Infinite-Sided Dice
feat. Nora Bailey
This week astrophysicist Dr Nora Bailey joins Julian roll a set of huge, spherical dice on the future of irradiated bunnies in mech suits. Yes this is a real question. Does this sound like an episode of that Morty show to you? Me too.
Julian: “What is the maximum number of faces you can fit on a polyhedral TTRPG die before physics says its actually a sphere?” from Aaron
Nora: “How much radiation would it take to kill a bunny, and what would a bunny have to do to protect itself from that radiation?” Jarrett
This episode of That's Absurd Please Elaborate was written by Trace Dominguez and Julian Huguet, edited by Kyle Sisk, and produced by all three of us. Special thanks to friends and family for listening to the edits and help us make this better.
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