Reach for the Neutron Stargate | Pod 38
Science agrees: black holes are really cool. TAPE listener Robert, on the other hand, disagrees with science, and thinks their slightly-less-dense-but-still-absurdly-dense cousins known as Neutron Stars are cooler. He’s decided to pet one.
Julian explores the smorgasbord of ways he would probably die horribly if he tried. Meanwhile Trace geeks out about Stargate, in an effort to dial-in how accurate the gates would really be!
Julian: "If I tried to pet a neutron star, what would kill me first?" from Robert Trace: "If Stargate were real, would the address be accurate enough to dial a gate?" from Corey
This episode of That's Absurd Please Elaborate was written by Trace Dominguez and Julian Huguet, edited by Kyle Sisk, and produced by all three of us. Special thanks to friends and family for listening to the edits and help us make this better.
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